Sorry for the random noises in the background. Construction going on :/
Hopefully this helps some of you!
Bot Download:
Twitch :
Plan on streaming soon! Follow me 😀
Follow me on twitter :
🙂 Greatly appreciated
Please watch: “[VLOG] #4 – Look at my dog !!!”
i think this a good video and all but its at Version now nothing looks the same really ;/
great tutorial, thanks for the guidance!
can you use this bot on youtube streams?
Says "NOTICE: Improperly formatted auth" Tried redoing the auth thing but didn't work. Help please!
It doesn't let me download it
the currency system only works wen I do it not wen my views do it old help me
the currency system only works wen I do it not went my viewers do it
Why me and my viewers don't get any points? when i write "!points" in chat it ssaid "Foxcho has $points" ?
Do you know of a command which would allow a specific user to give some of their points to every viewer in chat without doing each individual name? I mean similar to the !points add +viewers command.
how do i change accounts ?
Thx this helped a lot
Nice video 🙂 it was quite helpful, thanks!
Thx helped alot
Hi! I'm having trouble setting up an "add points" command. I can't interpret the Ankhbot pdf, I get a funky error when I tried setting it up myself. I was wondering if you set up a !add points command for your channel and what the description / response looked like. Thanks for your help :3
I would like to give points per donation, or give the top Donator extra points. is it possible to give points manually?
automatically become a regular? what does that mean?
Thanks so much for making this! It's quick and easy! One question though: Does it still work with Windows 10? I'd be happy to sub and follow!
Helped a lot thank you
You're v cute tbh ❤️
Is there anything like this program for YouTube Stream? or is only for Twitch…
it doesnt want to work with me :c
I want a bot but i stream on my Xbox one :/
Does this work for mac??
What is your twitch name?
Awesome tutorial thanks allot!
thanks for tut ;___; <3
Can u help me out when people in my stream and they type the currency thing it doesn't pop up for them but when I do it it does Plzz help
I try to login my Bot but it stays saying all the time Ouath-Token does not belong to FlixxBot! I logged out from website of twitch and tried again .. SAME problem ! Do you have any idea how to do it ? :/
JFC it feels like im watching and listening to a 10 year old.
how to download pls i need help
hi there just wanted to say thanks u so much for this video its defo the best tutorial on this stuff out there.. it was so clear and very easy to follower.. will be happy to hit that sub button and follow