A tutorial on how to make Twitch overlays for free in a web browser without using photoshop. Get FREE overlays at https://gumroad.com/gaellevel
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#Twitchtips #Streaming #Twitch
Dang this is actually a great tutorial dude!! When I make my custom overlay I'm gonna thank you for sure for making this video!! 😀
Thx man i will thank you till i reach the moon
how do you add screen share
This weekend I am going to stream for the first time and you just made my life much easier
7:20 KEKW!!!
how do import a jpeg image to edit
This was very helpful great video! but do u think I will be able to do this on an iPad on procreate? It’s because I want to make custom overlay packages for people to make sum cash. But I was wondering if I could send the finished work to someone on pc so they can use them. If anyone has tried or has any idea please feel free to let me know!
Thank you so much for your help with this super helpful / informative video 🙂
Can someone make me a free twitch banner and overlay border please
Thanks to your vids I made my own gif twitch alerts (never made gif before in my life) was pretty fun and I`m very proud of them ^^ ty for making these vids 🙂
Thank so much
Thank you for your honest upload!! It shows that not everything is intuitive and that software, webpages etc… does not always cooperate. It actually taught me more than any other video on this:) Have a nice morning, day or evening!
Is there a way for doing these but making them animated?
Aye you got it cutty
Overlays are not fee on your website like you say
If it's not for print, then 300 ppi is stupid.
Man these help so much thank you
Why are you so underrated?
Also, wanted to share, because I just started working on my own stuff thanks to the video, if you right click on the star icon in the bottom right, it does a custom shape, to the right of Width and Height at the top of the page you will see a category that says shape, they actually have logos already entered into the system that you can choose from, including twitch, and other popular social medias 🙂 hope this helps! <3
This is great, i wanted to BUY a custom overlay, but you literally just showed me how to do it for myself, for that, im forever grateful 🙂
never knew this day would come hi i am pretty new to your channel great work man
honestly super helpful. Some of the graphic editors I've found are so limited so hopefully this will help me step up on my graphics for my channels. Thanks a tone mate!!
I dont understand how i can download from you website?
Man, I love you, your videos are helping me a lot, the mindset and stuff, continue you good work, thank you!!
who tf disliked this
I just found your channel, thank you so much for teaching me
Good man
I think the intended name is pho-topia as a utopia word play just my take on it ❤️
oh shit i guess you're in quebec?
Love the video. Ever since you put me on photopea I been making everything there. Thank you.
please make another vid like this i loved it
I felt like I was learning Photoshop all over again ?
Good tutorial and I'm so glad you left the mistakes in, not only does it show you're human, it also makes people able to fix their own mistakes as you explained very well what to do if you do encounter any problems.
I genuinely love watching your videos.
8/10 things in life people can do for free on their own. Catch is when they do not want to and it is easier to pay someone to do it for you.
Lifesaver! I tried Gimp but it wasn't very intuitive (the mac version) so I usually default to making all my emoticons and thumbnails in…. paint and power point respectively. Can't wait to give this a try, thanks! Looking forward to making my own overlays finally!
I absolutely love using photopea. I've used it to make several of my overlays so far.
How did you arrange your hair
great video dude. very useful
Just what I needed, I was in your stream today too:)
I have not seen your videos for a minute, and its nice seeing you have progressed so much! <3
might wanna trim out the email leak part, just saying
Wow this is really help!! Thanks a lot, keep it up bro ??