How to stream Hearthstone on Twitch

FREE streaming for everyone! yay! Feel free to ask any questions on the comment section below! (Free streaming software)

Hosted by: Babael

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  1. I think you are really confused about how much bitrate you can use. If you have a really high upload speed of ~40mbps upload speed you can pretty much use ridiculously high buffer size. 1000 kb/s would be for someone who has less than 5mbps upload speed.

  2. This is a great tutorial and it helped me a lot yet i have a problem that the stream always freezes to load for a bit. is this a common problem and may u please help me to resolve it? Also, i have no delay in settings but i still get around a 15 sec delay, is this common as well?

  3. This was extremely informative and helpful! May I ask you make a part 2 showing how to add your wewbcam and any overlays you may have? Possibly how to properly edit your tiles for maximum viewership quality?
    Thumbs up and subbed.

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