HOW TO PLAY TWITCH SEASON 10 – (Best Build, Runes, Playstyle) – S10 Twitch Gameplay Guide

Hi, I’m a Challenger Top Main. Been challenger since S7/S8 & Season 9 and Season 10. peaked 720 LP at most. Questions? Let me know!

Season 10 Twitch Runes:
press the attack – triumph – alacrity – coup de grace (inspiration, biscuit delivery – free boots)

season 10 Twitch build:
blade of ruíned king – berserker greaves – hurricane – infinite edge – phantom dancer – mortal reminder
(Title of the video):
►HOW TO PLAY TWITCH SEASON 10 – (Best Build, Runes, Playstyle) – S10 Twitch Gameplay Guide

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[Concepts of this video + Everything you can find on my Channel]:
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  1. Got some amazing community events / giveaways coming on my Discord soon. Don't forget to join guys! <3

    Season 10 Twitch Runes:

    press the attack – triumph – alacrity – coup de grace (inspiration, biscuit delivery / free boots)

    season 10 Twitch build:

    blade of ruíned king – berserker greaves – hurricane – infinite edge – phantom dancer – mortal reminder
    ►HOW TO PLAY TWITCH SEASON 10 – (Best Build, Runes, Playstyle) – S10 Twitch Gameplay Guide
    #Twitch #TwitchGuide #TwitchGameplay

    [Concepts of this video + Everything you can find on my Channel]:

    League of Legends Gameplay Guides, League Gameplay Guides, LoL Gameplay Guides, League of Legends Guide, League Guide, LoL Guide, Season 10 Guide League of Legends, S10 Guide League of Legends, League of Legends Best Runes Season 10, League of Legends Best Build season 10, League of Legends Best Playstyle Season 10, Season 10 Tips, S10 Tips, League of Legends Tips, League of Legends, Daveyx3 Gameplay Channel.

  2. playing twitch is so depressing because of his no poison damage, early game lack of damage, and how you can side step his ultimate shots at lower atk speed.

  3. For the most part this is a great video, some things I'd say that are worth mentioning for newer Twitch players.
    1. At level 1 you sometimes might not want to level a point in E or Q until level 2 because you might need Q to escape a surprise gank from a more aggressive jungler like Lee Sin or Elise. But this is situational.
    2. Twitch can have trouble with mana for newer players, so try to make sure you don't use tons of mana to just E creeps that you could just auto instead.
    3. Keep mind of how much gold you have, check every so often when you have free time to do so. (This is a good tip on any champion but especially Twitch because he can scale well.)
    4. Play around your team, even if you hate how far back they are playing, its always a good idea to play around your team because in many scenarios you will probably be the carry for your team. This is actually good to have been shown in the video but at 25:43 we can see the Sion and the rest of the team backing off which ideally you should be behind them so you aren't tanking damage.
    5. A huge thing to note is that people can walk, and flash out of Twitch Spray and Pray autos.
    6. This is mainly an add-on to 5, but you are able to hit multiple people with R so positioning is key on Twitch because of this.
    7. Lethal Tempo is great on Twitch, however it is kind of risky to use because it weakens you in lane, I recommend taking it if you have a Lulu who you are in voice chat with.
    Lethal Tempo tips: if you can throw W and then Q your Lethal Tempo should activate, you can use the 1.5s of charge of time to slightly reposition to throw off your enemies.
    This video is a pretty good guide especially since you mentioned the red pot, that is super important on Twitch because you will heal off of all damage you do, this means you also heal off of your Runaan's as well.

  4. On secondary runes, I prefer either sudden impact (taste of blood) and ravenous hunter. Or Nimbus Cloak and Gathering Storm

  5. My first impression with Twitch is much worse Teemo poison and much worse Kalista E.
    I don't really get how people in pre30 able to get triple/penta with him.

  6. Hey could you do a irelia guide in mid lane? Your zed, akali, yasuo ect helped me a lot so I was thining if an irelia one would help as well

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