Going Live On Twitch With OBS Studio | Tutorial 11/13

It’s time to go live on Twitch!

Next Video …..► https://goo.gl/tyRKM7
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Previous Video …..► https://goo.gl/CzjCxR


Dropping Frames Article …..► https://goo.gl/yexOhO

Get the files used in our videos here …..► http://goo.gl/Fl4Isp
Overlay Maker …..► http://goo.gl/5R7UTt

OBS Studio Download Link: https://goo.gl/71XhD7
View the guide on our website: Coming Soon
Ending Track: https://goo.gl/UKpjkB

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Alright, so if you stuck through this entire series, you should know everything you need to, to begin streaming on Twitch with OBS Studio. To go live, all you have to do is click start streaming! Let’s take a little bit and talk about how we can improve our stream. First, I recommend having a friend watching your stream and giving you feedback so that you can make any adjustments as needed. You’ll want to adjust things like the audio levels for your game and mic sound, lighting for your webcam, or make some small tweaks to your overlay.

If you’d like, you can join the Nerd or Die discord server, and hop into our stream-checks channel – the invite link will be in the description. Feel free to tag me in a message, and if I’m available I’ll stop by and provide feedback! I’d also like to encourage anyone else in the server to help others out and give constructive criticism. The first time I streamed I couldn’t figure out why my webcam was upside down… so don’t worry if you have a couple of issues when starting out – we all have to start somewhere.

If you’d like, leave your Twitch name in the comments below – I do my best to go to any of the comments and check out either the live stream or even past broadcasts and provide any feedback. Don’t forget, you can also watch your own past broadcasts to see how everything is looking and sounding.

Another thing you’ll want to look for is if you’re dropping frames. You can check for this information at the bottom of OBS Studio while you’re live. Dropping frames means that parts of your stream are not being sent to the server. This will cause buffering issues for your viewers. This issue can be caused by a lot of different problems – I’ll link a helpful article from the OBS site in the description as well, but I do plan on making a full video guide covering this topic.

While streaming, you can also go to your Twitch Dashboard. If you have access to a second monitor, or even a tablet, you can use this to monitor you chat messages, as well as check to see the status of your connection with Twitch. Don’t forget, if you change games, or need to update your title, you can do that here as well. Oh, and if you happen to be watching your own stream while you’re streaming – make sure it’s on mute – or your viewers will hear an echo!

If you followed this guide, thank you so much for tuning in. If you found it helpful, please consider sharing it on any websites, forums, or social media. While this video is the last of the core OBS Studio series – I will be making more resources and tutorials for OBS and streaming on Twitch, so look forward to those. Let me know if there’s any topics you think we should cover in the future.

If you liked this video, please give it a like, and if you really like the video, make sure to subscribe for more great gaming and streaming content from Nerd or Die.

Thanks for watching.



  1. Thank you so much for all your videos! They really helped me get started! I made sure to give all of them a like and subscribed. If you have the time please check out my twitch id: greatsensei

  2. This series of videos has been so helpful! Just detailed enough that I feel properly informed about all the important aspects, but it never dragged on and got boring. Thank you!!

  3. ok so Ive watched all your tutorial videos and i have a big issue………Im still confused and have no idea how to stream with OBS……….all i want to know is what do i have to do to be able to stream with obs while using my ps4 with my capture card (razer ripsaw)……even though your explanations are very thorough and long but i constantly got lost cause you explained so many things ….i just want to know the basics " this is what you need to do to stream with a cap card on my ps4"

  4. I want to stream league of legend gameplay and i have two windows that i need to show, how can i switch between the windows without the viewers to see it?

  5. Can you make a video on how to use a Green Screen with OBS Studio and what are the best settings to use. Also if you could cover lighting and using custom backgrounds in it that would be nice.

  6. Lots of good advice, 1st time streamer, having a lot of audio issues and some video issues. Check out my last stream, I could us some constructive advice.

  7. hey. I have all my settings in studio to what fits my pc or atleast I think I do. and I put my twitch stream key in but everytime I start streaming it never goes on my twitch channel. do you know the problem or atleast have an idea

  8. Hey man, I can't thank you enough for providing such an in-depth and easy to follow tutorial for OBS. This guide definitely earned you a sub. I could have just streamed through my capture card software, but OBS has more capabilities when it comes to streaming. So, I'm glad I was able to find this easy guide to set it up. I also feel like I didn't just mimic what you did and it worked. You actually took the time to explain how many aspects worked in a clear and concise manner, which helped me to actually understand what I was doing in OBS. Keep up the good work!!!

  9. Hey, thanks for all the videos! Very cool and helpful! If I may make a suggestion for your next video, how about making one that shows a tutorial on how to use a second PC as a dedicated Streaming PC? TBH, I'm currently setting one up and it's been a struggle to get the audio from the gaming PC to output to the Streaming PC. Everything else seems to be working just fine. So if you can do several tutorial videos on that topic, and include different setups when using different capture cards, that will be amazing!

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