1. Ok, so anyone curious as to why their things are not working, I kind of have an answer.
    You have no idea how to code, c# is not hard, go learn it and solve your problems/really stupid questions. Otherwise, use something someone's done already.
    I'm not being a dick and crushing dreams, you just can't expect things to work with coding in general, so you either learn or go another route.

  2. Ok, I copied everything like it is shown in the video but it seems that my loop isn't infinite and stops after the 10th loop.
    Does anyone know what i did wrong?

    Thanks in advance.

  3. when it builds it makes it all the way to the end but then gives me am error 'twitchbot.exe' does not contain a static 'Main' method suitable for an entry point (CS5001) any help?

  4. Amazing Tutorial 😀 Discovered you today and you helped me a lot.
    But ( there is always a but ) i followed all your instructions, and i keep having an error (the object reference is not set to an object instance ) i'll try to figure it from myself but if you have a clue 😀

    EDIT : Fixed it by adding a simple 
    if (message == null)
    message = "";
    in the readMessage()

    Aaaand now i have an unsucessful login..

    Keep it up !

  5. So the bot crashes at 30 seconds every time due to if (message.Contains("!hello")) every time, any ideas, this is the error i get "An unhandled exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in twitchChatBot.exe"

  6. first of all, I'd like to thank you for this, really useful. I have one little question though. How would I disconnect from irc if I wanna stop the bot ? Thanks.

  7. I'm trying to get this to work, I have the code the same except for the password, channel and username, but every time I try to run it I get the the following after a few seconds

    {"A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond (IP Address here):6667"}

    any help would be appreciated

  8. Please make more videos like this I am learning a lot. I would also like to know how to do the cap commands for twitch along with joining a channel with a button.

  9. Great tutorial, followed your code step by step and saw instant results, but this was not what I was looking for I need to learn how to run this code in a windows form application so i can have multiple class tabs for different bot functions. To list some off Chat Window (for testing commands), Command Tab (For Adding On Text Response), Song Request Browser. Maybe for part 2 you should explain how to take this code and connect it to a windows form application to output chat from the channel we join to a window. If you need a great example of this look up ankhbot I want to put something together similar to this but more open for devs to update the base functions to work with their design.

  10. Nice video!  You can get rid of the flush stuffs with: outputStream.NewLine = "nr"; outputStream.AutoFlsuh = true; 

    The main hurdles I ran into were handling exceptions with the sockets in the while (true) side of things – for instance if the Internet went out, lose WiFi for a second, etc.  Socket breaking junk.

    Many try/catches later, it stopped 'not responding' on these errors haha 😉

  11. looks very interesting sober:D definetely want to learn C# but for now i would have to do even more basic tutorials first, any tips on where i might find some of those?

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